Sunday, May 15, 2011


Uuuggghhh. I just cannot catch a break! First the army of sugar ants and now fleas. I think I am ready to move back to frigid temperatures. The kind of temperatures, where no bugs survive! I would even gladly welcome the mosquitoes!

It all started yesterday... I was sitting on the couch, watching the Hangover with the dog. She was sitting so nicely, so I grabbed the furminator and started brushing her. She was surprisingly tolerant of the brushing. After about 20 minutes of brushing, I had a giant pile of hair growing on the floor--thats when i noticed that she had a bug on her. I tried to grab it, but I wasn't fast enough. I thought at first that it must have been an ant--because even though the main swarm of them have left, there are a few stragglers still crawling around here. I kept brushing, and after a while i noticed another bug! Again, i was too slow to get it--it must just be my mind playing games, I thought. How could I see a bug one second and then not the next. These bugs were just too fast and so small--there was no way that i was really seeing bugs. It must have just been a mild schizophrenic episode or something. Then i started to get worried, what if these really were bugs? What if I now have a psychotic disorder? i didn't know which was worse.

Thats when i decided that i would just google it. The internet always has the answers to life's dilemmas. So, i typed in fleas...and what came up was exactly the kind of bug i saw. FABULOUS! this is awesome. Now i go into full panic mode! what the hell am i going to do, and just where did she pick these bugs up? I head down to the local store and get some flea shampoo, come back and give her a bath. During the bath i only saw about 4 of them come off of her. So, i am hoping i caught it in the early stages. I mean, if  i would not have brushed her--i would have not even known about the bugs.

I also then need to clean the house,  vacuum every possible surface and wash all the dogs beds. I needed to wash my bedding anyway, so i head to the Laundromat. I hate going to the Laundromat in the first place, add to the fact that this Laundromat is located in rural West Virginia--are you getting a visual? It was horrible, smelly, and filled with country bumpkins--not to mention that it was like 90 degrees yesterday, and they had the doors propped open--because apparently its against the law to turn on the airconditioner. Ugh! this has to be the worst Saturday in the history of Saturdays! So, i pay the $7.00 per machine--can you believe that? Completely outrageous! I have one machine with my bedding, and one with dog bedding. As the machines get going, I start to notice this green stuff flying around in the dog bed machine... weird. Pretty soon, the machine is filling with this green stuff--what in the hell is that, i thought. After starring for a minute i realize that one of the beds has been busted open by the vigorous motions of the machine--and now the machine is filling with the mint green fiberfill of the bed!! OMG! what am i going to do!? Pretty soon the load is finished, but i really don't know what to do with all the fiberfill in the machine. I mean, do i leave it in there? do i try and re-stuff the bed? what the hell?

So, i locate a garbage can--and try to get all the fiberfill out without making a huge scene. There was so much fiberfill in that machine--it had all been beaten around into a million little pieces by the washer. There was fiberfill attached to the other beds, there was fiberfill all over the floor, in the machine, on my clothes! It was everywhere! Just as i start to clean it up off the floor a giant thunderstorm rolls in, complete with Hurricane force winds! Now, the fiberfill is Flying around the entire Laundromat--as i chase it down. I looked like a complete weirdo--its pretty bad when the people in a West Virginia Laundromat think that you are a freak. What--- a disaster.

I finally get home, and re-vacuum again. I am completely exhausted.

Fast forward to this morning, I decide to wash the dog again. These fleas have laid eggs, and so now i have to bathe her once every couple of days. But, I can't use the flea shampoo again for TWO WEEKS! There is no way i am gonna let this get out of control, so i researched on the internet and find out that the blue Dawn dish-soap will kill them too. So, off to Walmart at 7am on a Sunday. I got dish-soap, a flea collar, some of the Frontline stuff, and a doggy power washer. $60 later--I get home and hook the power washer up, and bathe her again. The power washer was so powerful that it was shooting fleas all around the tub! I almost wished that i had a welding shield or something to protect my face from them!
I saw about 10 more come off of her today, so hopefully this will work.

I hope this is the end of my bug problems. ugh!

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